Miss Ashley

Sunday, March 13, 2011

A Long Summary

Well it's Sunday March 13th, 2:11pm, I want to catch y'all up on everything so far. Right now my life is pretty good and I'm happy but I do have problems and I get stressed just like everyone else, but I try not to let a few bad things get me down, that's why I surround my self with people who make me happy. That's what I love about my family and the few close friends I have, they love me for me. I have a big family, we didn't have much money growing up but having all the love and laughter around made it feel like we were rich. I'm a Mother now and I will make sure my kid(s) are surrounded by positive people. I have a daughter, McKenna, she's 2 going on 13 and I love her so much, she's my world. I'm no longer with her father but we're still friends.. I'm engaged to a great guy, Ian, we've been together for almost 2 years and we plan to get married either this October. Right now we're planning on moving in together but we're debating on where we will be living. We're both from Kannapolis and we have family that live in the area but he is now living an hour away and it's a beautiful place and I love it but it's in a small town in the do we live in the city near our family and friends, or live in the beautiful country house in quiet?? I am currently living with my Dad and Step Mom, I moved in with them after me and Mckenna's father called it quits. I'm very lucky they let me move back home but I'm ready to move out. I have been out on my own since I was 17. I shared an apartment with friends until I became pregnant at 23 and I then moved in with the father. We tried doing the family thing and things were great for a while but we're better at being friends than being together. We had been friends since we were little, we dated off and on through out high school and although we care a lot about each other we weren't in love and we decided that staying together just because we had a child wasn't the right thing to do. So when McKenna was 7 months old I moved out and now things are great.  He's a great father and he's getting married as well, to a great girl and they have a son. They are great with McKenna and she loves her little brother. I'm very lucky to have him as the father, I know some woman are having to raise their kids alone with no help and I'm glad McKenna gets to see her father and he's there for her. So... although I'm not where I thought I'd be at 25, I love my life and the people in it. I know we're not the perfect family but I wouldn't trade any of them for anything.
I'm currently laid off and looking for work and I'm hoping to find something soon. That's probably the most stressful thing in my life right now and because of not having a job that causes stress in more ways than one. Trying to save up for a wedding and if we decide not to move up to Ian's we are going to have to save up for a place here. That's one good thing about moving to his place an hour away, no rent, but more money on gas to travel back and forth. But anyways that's my life in a long summary. I left out a good bit but will cross that path later. I'm just an typical 25 year old with a kid out of wedlock in the south, looking for a job, engaged and trying to find a place to start a home and a family:) I hope y'all like my story and trust me there's lots more to come, even though I say I'm a typical girl, I'm probably far from it, just wait and see. Till next time.............
                                                           XOXOXO Ashley

1 comment:

  1. I think that this is so neat. I thought that it was something fake from face book so I just ignored it and I was going ton ask you about it. I love the whole summary about yourself. Am I the first one to comment on your blog. Cool Beans Man. There is only one thing missing. More of me... Just joshing you know you love me.
